Subject: Re: NetBSD on Mac II
To: NetBSD port-mac68k <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Mathias Voell <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/27/1997 23:04:49
>> - Shall I try to get another Mac or is the Mac II okay for what I want to 
>> do with it?
>It will be OK for learning, but it will be SLOW. It'll be like running
>Linux on a slow 386. If you can get a better computer, I'd say do

Oops - unfortunately I don't think that I will get a better one for free. 
Maybe I should try to get an accelarator card, they won't be expensive 
now? Otherwise I will have to make some space on the HD of my Performa 
630, but then I'm reading that the LC040 is not a very good friend of 

>Though more than 8 MB would be nice, it might not be a wise investment

The cheapest 4MB Mac II SIMMs I've seen cost almost 50 Marks ($29).

>as you can't use that ram anywhere else. Plus the II requires special
>4 MB SIMMS (the motherboard will otherwise sporadically put the memory
>chips into a diagnostic mode :-)

Someone offered my very cheap 30pins PS/2 SIMMS, but fortunately our 
network admin has told my to buy special MacII SIMMs only. It would have 
been a nice surprise.

>If they are getting rid of computers, steal some from a different dead

I am ready to do anything for my Mac ;-)
but none of the old computers has more than 5MB (4x1MB plus 4x256KB).

Adding more RAM, new HD etc to the Mac II propably will be more expensive 
than buying another old but better Mac. Which one/s would be really okay 
for running AND enjoying NetBSD?

best wishes,
