Subject: Re: pop
To: Macintosh Guru <>
From: Paul Goyette <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/27/1997 04:54:25
Well, go to the main menu, select Setup and then Configure.  Arrow down to
the inbox entry, and Change it to "{}INBOX" (don't
include the quotes, but DO include the braces).  This worked for me on
pine 3.91 - I haven't tried it lately on 3.95

On Wed, 26 Feb 1997, Macintosh Guru wrote:

> Paul (and or anyone),
> Could you explain the setup for making pine use pop.  The version that I
> have only *seems* to understand IMAP, and my server unfortunately does not
> allow IMAP conenctions for mail.  (Yoda voice) Help me you can Hmmmmm?
> <snicker>...Sorry...on a Star Wars Binge.....

| Paul Goyette       | PGP Public Key fingerprint:  | E-mail addresses:      |
| Network Consultant |     0E 40 D2 FC 2A 13 74 A0  | |
| and kernel hacker  |     E4 69 D5 BE 65 E4 56 C6  |  |