Subject: pppd restart solution and question about X
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Nathan Raymond <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/27/1997 05:37:06
My continuing saga with NetBSD...

Background: I have one monitor and two Macs, my Mac II running NetBSD and a
Q630 running MacOS.  Since I don't have ethernet in the Q630, I keep my
monitor on the Q630 and connected the two by serial cable and have been
running PPP quite successfully.  However when I close my PPP session on the
Q630, pppd quits on the Mac II.  This wasn't too bad until I followed the
instructions at <> which didn't
completely work for me (attempts to log in just send me back to the login
screen, locking me out of the system unless pppd was running), thus I
needed a way to connect and disconnect from PPP whenever I wanted and keep
it running.

Solution: I don't know if this is the most elegant way to do it, but I
added the following line to /etc/ppp/options

disconnect /etc/ppp/ppp-restart

It simply runs a script when ppp disconnects, and the script just launches
pppd again:

pppd 2> /var/log/ppp.log &

Has anyone else tried following the instructions at the web site I
mentioned above?  I just haven't had the time to read the lengthy man page
on xdm to determine where my setup went wrong (even though I followed the
instructions to the letter).  Any pointers here would be greatly

Also I still can't make an X connection to NetBSD over my serial PPP with
eXodus.  My setup is rootless, REXEC, with command 'xterm -ls -display
$$ME$$'. I get an "Unable to send connection information" error.  When I
change from REXEC to RSH, I get an "RSH error: login incorrect."  Any ideas?

Nathan Raymond