Subject: Re: Experimental quadra nubus colorkit kernel!!
To: None <>
From: Taras Ivanenko <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/19/1997 13:52:57
> I'm using your precompiled lkm OK, but when I tried to compile my own,
> here's what happened:

> grfioctl_extra.h:24: redefinition of `struct VDPgInfo'

You probably have the file /usr/src/sys/arch/mac68k/include/grfioctl.h
with "colorkit" patches in it. You have two options:
1) sup -NvdKo your.supfile to update all files
2) remove #include "grfioctl_extra.h" from the sources or put some
#ifdef around it.

The definitions in grfioctl_extra.h are *exactly* the same as patches
to grfioctl.h, so there is not much difference in a way you fix that

BTW, I chown the directory /usr/lkm to myself on my machine and I can
do make install as a user, opposed to root. Just a little tip.

	Taras Ivanenko