Subject: Re: dormouse#1
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Charles Sebold <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/19/1997 10:33:01
>i tried the dormouse#1 kernel from steve brown. when i did startx, it gave
>the no screens i had no grf system is a Q650
>using internal video with 1 meg VRAM, monitor set to 256 colors when i
>tried it.

Well, it's just the colorkit applied to -current (that is, nubus video
cards only).  You'll still have to follow Mike Zucca's work (which is still
a few months away, as I recall) to see if his stuff will support your
internal video.

That or, of course, take it on yourself, which rather daunted me.  I
switched to nubus (hacking wimp that I am).

I                                     I
I Charles Sebold, Pontifex Macintosh  I
I CWW Computers, Inc.                 I
I 2497A Adie Rd.                      I
I St. Louis, MO  63043                I
I WWW:      I
I                                     I
I       La compagnie c'est moi.       I
I                                     I