Subject: Re: browser summary..
To: Joel Klecker <>
From: David Bushong <dbushong@cory.EECS.Berkeley.EDU>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/13/1997 09:18:52
> Another browser you might want to try is W3C's new testbed browser, Amaya
> (which recently became publically available), it's available at
> <>.
> Joel Klecker (        <URL:>

Hrm..  Last time I checked, Awaya was just binaries..  Now they appear to
have source available..  Before I download what looks like an extremely
large double source tree, any comments from anyone who's tried it?  Good?
Bad?  Worthless?  Won't compile?  Etc...


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     _/   _/ _/   _/ _/   _/  David P. Bushong -- (510) 845-3271         _/
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