Subject: Revised Makefile to compile Lynx 2.7
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/12/1997 10:58:29

I had MAJOR trouble getting Lynx 2.7 to work "out of the box" from FreeBSD's
ports collection, and have fixed up the Makefile that caused the trouble.  Once
you get the port or unarchive the source, use the following Makefile instead 
of the one that came with it, and type "make netbsd".

I hope this helps someone.  I'll forward it to the ports contact so it may help
others in the future.  If I've missed some trick in the install procedure that
would have fixed all this for me, please kindly point it out.  BTW - you need
gmake to compile.  It's also in the ports collection, and almost compiles 
without hassle.

The revised Makefile is at:
