Subject: Re: Mac II, NetBSD 1.2, trouble starting X
To: None <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/10/1997 11:52:19
> >>
> >> Hi, I just installed NetBSD yesterday on my Mac II, it runs fine, I
> >> downloaded X11R6, put that on with the installer, logged in as root, added
> >> /usr/X11R6/bin/ to my path environment variable, tried to startx and got
> >> this error:
> >>
> >> /usr/libexec/ xinit: No such file or directory
> >>
> >> What am I doing wrong?
> >
> >As mentioned in the FAQ, you're forgetting to do a ldconfig /usr/X11R6/lib,
> >in /etc/rc.local for instance. :-)
> I did the LD Config thing and it still gave me that line!  I added every
> possible path to any X related file and it still gives me that!  I am
> booting from a zip drive, but the kernel works great except when I try to
> delete some characters I typed.  I get ^? instead of the charcter being
> deleted.  Is this a kernal problem or a terminal emulation problem?  I am
> using a Quadra 660av 24/230/CD.

Is actually in /usr/X11R6/lib? Also, I don't think ld
searches your path for libraries; it searches all the specified library
directories (which is what ldconfig is for).

^? problems mean that your terminal emulator and your shell disagree about
what character is erase. "stty erase ^\?" should do the trick, or
set the terminal emulation to something different. Exactly what depends
on your setup.

Take care,
