Subject: Re: source for booter?
To: Bob Nestor <>
From: Michael R Zucca <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/07/1997 20:25:25
> > i would like to add in some code to check if i am in b&w
> >before i boot, ive tried to boot with thousands of colors on far too many
> >times now ;)
> Why?  That's only half the problem, you'd still have to manually set the 
> colors back when you rebooted MacOS.  A much simpler solution is the 
> "DepthMaster" Extension available on InfoMac. It allows you to set color 
> depth on an application by application basis.  On my system I have it 

Simpler sill:
In a few weeks I'll be able to work on the intvid kernels again and hopefully
you can boot in 16 bit mode and just switch to 1 bit for speed.

Here's hoping the break's long enough for me to finish the code!