Subject: Re: connection issues
To: jfron <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/04/1997 10:01:19
> apologies in avance, as i realize that the propper answer for this query
> is rtfm/rtfFAQ.
> Being at a university, with no permanent IP assignments available
> (except to faculty & staff) for dialup usage, i'd like to know if
> netbsd's ppp setup compatable in any way shape or form with server
> dynamic IP assignment?
> that is, does the domain name/IP of the machine have to be specified
> *before* attempting to connect, or can it all be taken care of within
> ppp (given the subnet mask and namserver IP), as mactcp and open
> transport do?
You have to manually set the Domain Name, and DNS servers, but our ppp
will handle dynamic addresses, netmasks, and network numbers.
Take care,