Subject: Re: connection issues
To: jfron <>
From: Mark Andres <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/04/1997 15:35:37
I have been using ppp on my NetBSD box for some time now.  I know there
are a few "ppp kits" available, but I thought I would add another.  I have
created a web page dedicated to dial-up ppp exactly like jim describes
here.  The URL is:

It describes how using pppd and chat to dial up an ISP that uses dynamic
IP address allocation.  It does not describe dial on demand.  It assumes
that you will manually connect before you want to access the Internet and
will manually disconnect when you are done.


On Mon, 3 Feb 1997, jfron wrote:

> apologies in avance, as i realize that the propper answer for this query 
> is rtfm/rtfFAQ.
> Being at a university, with no permanent IP assignments available 
> (except to faculty & staff) for dialup usage, i'd like to know if
> netbsd's ppp setup compatable in any way shape or form with server  
> dynamic IP assignment?
> that is, does the domain name/IP of the machine have to be specified 
> *before* attempting to connect, or can it all be taken care of within
> ppp (given the subnet mask and namserver IP), as mactcp and open 
> transport do?
> a simple, yes read the faq, or no, not doable, will suffice.
> (though i'm not adverse to a few pointers)
> TIA,
> -jim

Mark Andres                              Head, Support Dept.
         GIGANET by Business Network Telecom (BNT)
E-mail:    URL: