Subject: hmount
To: macbsd <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Adrian Fowler <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/02/1997 18:08:45
Okay people,

I've been trying to mount an hfs volume in bsd, and have come up against a
'minor' problem.

The partition is on the same hard disk as bsd, (SCSI 0, although when I run
hfs1.0.x it reports my partitions at SCSI 1)) and is within the 8
partition limit.

When I try hmount /dev/sd0x I get an error something along the lines of
operation not implemented or some such.

The man pages say that I should use the /dev/sd0 device (which doesn't
exist), I have seen a mail somewhere that says that sd0c is equivalent to
the entire disk, but this didn't work either.

MAKEDEV doesn't seem to support /dev/sd0.

Anyone have any clues on how to be able to transfer files in both directions
other than cpin/cpout in the Macside installer?


        Adrian M. Fowler          | Time flies like an arrow  |        | Fruit flies like a banana |  |                           |