Subject: Re: db
To: *port-mac68k Discussion List <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Aaron Namba <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/29/1997 22:50:05
>> > OK, then here's a question.  Let's say you have some process (like a
>> > screwed up xdm) that prevents you from logging in and killing it.  Your
>> > modem is hung up, you forgot to run a getty off the serial port, so
>> > there's no way back into your computer.  Is there any way to kill a
>> > particular process (you can certainly list them!) from the db> ?
>> I don't think so.  I believe that once you have hit the programmer switch 
>> and dropped into the debugger, it pretty much kill the kernel, so all 
>> processes have pretty much stopped by then (even tho it still shows them).
>No, if you hit the programmer switch to drop off the debugger, you can
>restore the execution by the continue command, or at least so I

Sometimes, if this doesn't work, I can get a prompt or a single-user 
shell by repeatedly using the next command.  I don't know why this works, 
but it works often enough not to be a chance event.  

--Aaron Namba