Subject: fpu req'd for installed 1.1c
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Steven Campbell <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/22/1997 16:49:21
Hi.  There is no Readme for the installer vers. 1.1c, but i've found out
the hard way that an FPU is required for the Installer 1.1c to be able to
display the progress bar while installing the tar files for NetBSD 1.2.
I kept wondering why the installer would crash with error type 10 ( Line
1111 exception error ) whenever the installer got to the point of drawing
the progress bar.  This would happen on my LC 475, my PB 520, and my
PowerMac 7200/90, all of which lack an FPU.  I also tried it in 1 bit color
mode, with the 040 cache disabled, and in 24-bit addressing mode, and
extensions off, all to no avail.
The long and short is:  the installer requires an FPU.
It does work if you install Software FPU vers. 3.03 or 3.04, and then
restart the machine.


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