Subject: Re: X on SE/30 and NNTP
To: None <>
From: Ken Nakata <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/17/1996 10:16:34
From: "Duncan McQueen" <>
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 1996 16:12:07 -0600
> Anyone out there get X to work on an SE/30 with Generic #1 kernel running
> NetBSD 1.2?

The X server in Scott Reynolds' official unofficial X11R6 package for
NetBSD/mac68k 1.2 doesn't work on SE/30's internal video due to some
grf driver bug that prevent mmap() from properly working.

An unofficial unofficial ;-) X server which works around the bug is
available for anon-ftp on in the directory
/pub/NetBSD/X/colorkit.  Grab the file Xmacbsd.YYMMDD.gz with the
latest date in the name (YYMMDD).

After ftp'ing this file, you can put it into /usr/X11R6/bin, gunzip
it, and make a symlink "X" to it (e.g. mv X X.bak; ln -s Xmacbsd X).

> How about NNTP? (INN or the like, probably only INN)...

You mean an NNTP server?  It's much easier to set up a client, though
it'd go fetch each article you read.  If you really mean a server,
then I'm not very experienced in that area...

Hope this helps,
