Subject: Re: about: caps lock
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: M.R. Zucca <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/18/1996 21:29:41
>The drawback to my patch is that, with it applied, all keys are affected
>by the caps lock key.  In a proper, sane environment only alphabetic
>keys are affected by the caps lock key and you have to press the shift key
>to modify number keys, etc.  But, I've been trying to figure a clean way
>of fixing that.  Since the alphabetic key codes are noncontiguous, it makes
>it more difficult.  Also a problem is that I'm not sure what the alphabetic
>key code ranges are for international keyboards.  Maybe someone else can
>take my patch and run with it.

Hehe. Looks like dt or X to the rescue. I always wondered why we don't use
the code similar dt for both the console and the keyboard. Sure, it's a little
more memory hungry but it's certainly more flexible and much faster.
International keyboards? No problem, just compile a kernel with the right
keymap...maybe someday. :)

>p.s.  If someone knows how to set the adb register # 2 bits to get the
>        "caps lock" led to work, that would be a nice addition.  I didn't
>        have a lot of time to play around with the adbioctl() calls, etc.

I imagine this will be included in ADBTEST. I would also imagine that JPW could
deal with those anomolous keyboards directly in his code.

 Michael Zucca - -
 "I will choose a path that's clear. I will choose Freewill. "
  --Rush, Freewill