Subject: stupid newbie Qestion
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/18/1996 12:49:48
I've recently started playing with NetBSD, and have been trying to get it
up and running on a MacTV, 68030, from a ZipDrive.
thus far, i've successfully installed the netbsd kernel, base10, etc,
man, secr, and text.
i've gotten it to start up off of booter, but when it finishes, i get a
minor problem;
it askes me to select a shell (i take sh as the default)
and i type login
when prompted for username, i type root,
then it asks for a password.
i've tried no password (as specified), space, root, toor, and a bunch of
other gibberish, but i cannot log in.
what is the incredibly obvious thing i am missing here?
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