Subject: Re: color X?
To: None <,>
From: Ken Nakata <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/12/1996 12:16:50
> > I have a Mac IIvx, 20MB RAM, with 16-bit internal video. since the booter
> > crashes with 16-bit video, i'd be using 8-bit. I have a 4-bit Apple Nubus
> > video card in my Mac II...would X work on 4-bit?
> > thanks!

> The internal video will probably have to wait until the intvidtest stuff 
> if finished.  However, you can try the 4-bit card with the colorkit 
> xserver.  Your card is grayscale, so I don't see why it wouldn't work, 
> but then again Taras is probably the person you want to ask about this.

The colorkit server supports only 1-bit greyscale (aka B&W) and 8-bit
pseudocolor mode.  If the video card works with Taras' grf driver and
supports up to 4-bit pixel depth, the server will run in B&W mode.
