Subject: More on serial ports
To: port-mac68k <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/10/1996 14:54:07
> 3) How many folks have Deskwriters or other printers which will print
> text and run at 57600? I'm thinking about adding an option to the
> boot sequence to let serial echo happen at 57600, which should go right
> to the printer. Thoughts? N.B. This idea is moving to the bottom of the
> to-do list. :-) Not the top.
I'm kinda confused about the responses I've gotten to this idea.
The serial ports should be AS HAPPY AS CLAMS talking to printers at
57600 RIGHT NOW! You don't have to wait for me to do a thing!
All I'm thinking about is making serial echo work at 57600. Since it's
really only for debugging, no one needs to print slow on its account.
But it does sound like there's interest. :-)
Take care,