Subject: RE: B/W Booter improvement
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/07/1996 09:07:58
  >From:	SMTP%""  7-NOV-1996 08:56:08.83
  >Subj:	B/W Booter improvement
  >As someone who uses both the mac and netbsd, I have long wished for a good
  >way to boot in black and white from a color mac.  For speed and low memory
  >reasons I do not keep AppleScript installed, and so I revised the Booter to
  >automatically drop into B/W.  If there is any interest, I'll make it neater
  >and add it as an option, along with some other Booter cleanups.

Yes.  I am interested.

  >BTW, did anyone know that the buttons in the untested machine dialog are
  >reversed?  Click on the go ahead button and it cancels. I'll fix that too.


  >Look for this in a week or so.
  >"Black holes are points where God divided by zero"

| Toni Harbaugh-Blackford           | Internet:         |
| System Manager                    |                                        |
| Biomedical Supercomputing Center  |                                        |
| SAIC                              |                                        |
| NCI-FCRDC                         |                                        |
| PO Box B, Bldg 430                |                                        |
| Frederick, MD 21702-1201   USA    |                                        |