Subject: Re: Booting freeze
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: W.B. Douglas <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/05/1996 02:40:36
Hello, all. New on the list, some experience with BSD a long time back,
trying to get it up and running.
I have the same problem described previously, but see below:
At 5:10 pm 3/11/96, Colin Wood wrote:
>> I've now got the whole thing installed and ready to go. I run the booter
>> and it displays the numbers adding up and everything like it's supposed to,
>> pauses, and puts up the "So I sez to him..." message like it's supposed to,
>> my drives spin a little the way they do when the machine's just about to
>> reboot except...
>> doesn't; it just freezes completely right then and there and does
>Probably an extensions conflict. Make sure that you boot with all
>extensions off (except MODE32 if you need it), and that should solve your
Yes, but no. I''ve taken out everything I can, turned off virtual memory,
left MODE32 on, and it's not going. It seems to stop somewhen in the actual
booting process, usually at the point of inspecting one of the scsi
devices, but sometimes rather before that, just after the ADB interrupts
enabled message. I suppose I could pull all extraneous hardware off the
system and try again...but are there any other likely possibilities? It's a
IIcx 8/1.1G, with a Radius 8 bit card for a 21" monitor - but it seems to
use the monitor without too much complaint if I leave the VBL interrupts
on. I'm using the generic #1 kernel in the public distribution of 1.2.
All pointers gratefully received. Unusually large files to, please.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
William Douglas Wolfson College &
<> Oriental Institute