Subject: Re: Booting freeze
To: Dinsdale Piranha <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/03/1996 17:10:06
> Thanks to all who helped out with the installation problem.
> I've now got the whole thing installed and ready to go. I run the booter
> and it displays the numbers adding up and everything like it's supposed to,
> pauses, and puts up the "So I sez to him..." message like it's supposed to,
> my drives spin a little the way they do when the machine's just about to
> reboot except...
> doesn't; it just freezes completely right then and there and does nothing.
> Any idea what's causing this? :)
Probably an extensions conflict. Make sure that you boot with all
extensions off (except MODE32 if you need it), and that should solve your
Colin Wood
Consultant Rice University
Information Technology Services Houston, TX