Subject: IDE
To: NetBSD for mac mailing list <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael J. Bedy <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/01/1996 16:44:25
Ok, I just joined this mailing list, so forgive me if this has been
asked: Is there any current plans to implement IDE support for us poor
users with a 630 series mac? I've got 20 megs of ram, an 68LC040 at 33/66
mhz which I'm sure would run it nicely, but I'm cursed with this damn IDE
hard drive, and no money to get a SCSI drive!
You have NO idea how annoying this is. Every implementation of UNIX for
the mac either requies a newer, or old system than I have!
I'd be perfectly willing to try and write a driver for it, but I have a
feeling that would be over my head at this point (I'm an undergrad CS
major right now. Which is why I want UNIX on my computer in the first
I'm not really farmilliar with operating system implementation (no
experiance) but I'm no sloch when it comes to codeing. If anyone knows
where I can get any information on this topic, I'd be glad to read up and
see if I can do anything about it.
Michael Bedy