Subject: Re: your mail
To: Koichi sueyoshi <>
From: Scott Reynolds <scottr@Plexus.COM>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/28/1996 16:15:19
On Tue, 29 Oct 1996, Koichi sueyoshi wrote:
> I got your NetBSD via one of your ftp site,and now i have Instlation question.
> The progam `NetBSD/mac68K BOOT' ask me that Where is MINIROOT,
> what he means about Mini root?
This is something that you can safely ignore, at least for now. It's
mainly for testing.
> and again,about ver.1.2 is this version as clearly for the problem for 030
> caches ?
There aren't any problems with 030 caches, to my knowledge... perhaps I'm
misunderstanding your question?
(This message cc:'ed to port-mac68k; please feel free to jump in, folks.)