Subject: Re: x mac client?
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Bernhard Fuerst <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/28/1996 11:29:53
>nahhh i ment a client to connect to a xserver and run its programs. there
>is no reason i ask this, i am just courious, and my quadra 650 isnt
>supported yet for netbsd, nor is my 7200 supported for mklinux :(

In the world of X-Windows the terms are confuse: The X-Server is running on
your little PC at home or elsewhere, whereas the X-Clients are running on
the big UNIX machine you are connected to (like some others here said).

An MacWorld article covers some X-Server for Macintosh: Apple's MacX,
Xoftware from Netmanage, White Pine's Exodus and Tenon's XTen:

But there is also a X-Client for Macintosh. With it you can display the
Macintosh screen on every X-Server:


Bernhard Fuerst  +++  +++