Subject: Re: Carrera040
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Janko Luin <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/27/1996 08:12:28
> > > Video address 0xfee08000 -> 0xbb4000.
> > > 
> > > ...and then it stopped.
> > > [...]
> > Scott will know better than I, but I think support for the LC040 is only
> > present in post-1.2 kernels. There was a problem with FP emmulation
> > in 1.2 for the 040LC. Though I didn't think this was where the problem
> > occured.
> Bill is correct; the FPE problem with the LC040 is (at least partially)
> solved only in -current kernels.  I am not 100% convinced that there is
> not still a problem, however, due to the way the FPE handles effective
> address calculations for its operands (in an 881/882/030-specific
> fashion).

I ran into a much more enlightning (?) crash today: I started booting NetBSD
(GENERICSBC-3 kernel) with the Carrera040 control panel loaded into memory,
but set to '030 mode... It crashed in the exact same spot!

This means that the problem isn't the card, but the control panel that
enables it. That makes me think that the best solution would be to hardcode
the Carrera040 code into a custom kernel. Any other ideas?
