Subject: Re: DiiMO accelerator and netbsd?
To: Brad Salai <>
From: Yoshihisa SUGIMOTO <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/26/1996 00:45:27
Thank you for your attention.

At 11:21 AM 96.10.25 -0400, Brad Salai wrote:
>This isn't what you asked, and you may alady know, but NetBSD works fine
>with the Daystar 030 accelerators

I know Daystar 030 acclerators work fine. Daystar accelerators we can buy
now occupy a PDS slot. I'd like to use Ethernet card with SE/30 so I need a
card that provides an extra PDS slot. Although Asante MacCon card provides
an extra PDS slot from itself, a floppy disk unit must be removed if
another PDS card is installed from the Asante card. ;-(
This is a reason I'd like to install DiiMO card which provides a extra PDS slot.

Yoshihisa Sugimoto, M.D., Ph. D.
Department of Medicine I // Medical Information Center
Shiga University of Medical Science's/index.html