Subject: Re: NuBus color kernels + sources
To: Taras Ivanenko <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/22/1996 00:59:21
It works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Taras, thank you so much for your work!!!!
Right now, I'm finally looking at my X setup in beautiful 8-bit color.
So, it seems to working at least on the following hardware:
Mac IIci (w/ Daystar Accelerator)
Macintosh Color Display
Mac II High Resolution Video Card
Ok, now for the bad news. The video driver appears to have some trouble
resetting to b/w mode. I can successfully run grftest1 (it draws 4
vertical lines, then blanks to gray I think, then produces a multihued
pattern on the screen), but grftest appears to have some trouble. The
screen goes to a light gray and stays that way for several minutes. It
then seems to go back to b/w mode, but the screen is strangely messed up
(it's rather hard to explain, basically, letters are drawn with large,
alternating lines of black and white). However, I can still type things
(albeit a bit blindly) and run X.
If there is any information which I can give you, please let me know.
Colin Wood
Consultant Rice University
Information Technology Services Houston, TX