Subject: Re: Problems with kerberos and andrew.
To: Bill Studenmund <>
From: Chris Mason <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/21/1996 12:11:09
Bill Studenmund spaketh:
> string_to_key routine. But the changes (once I figured them out) are
> minor. I can send them to you if you wish. (basically you have to tell
> libkrb to use the andrew functions, and you have to have the andrew
> functions use a legal salt for encryption; "#~" is illegal, though "p1"
> works just as well.)

I have tried using the kerb distribution in secr.tar.gz but it get errors

 kinit: Can't send request (send_to_kdc)

whenever I try to kinit.  Is this similar to what you saw??

Also, is it possible to only sup /src/domestic.  I don't have the full
source tree supped right now.  And I don't have a whole lot of space to

> Our distribution doesn't have kerberized ftp, so I'm not familiar with
> its needs. The only inconvenience I have is that kerberosIV doesn't
> forward tickets; I have to kftgt the tickets to the desired machine.
> You might need to do the same.

FTP would be nice, but all I really need is telnet (both the userland
program and the daemon) that does kerberos.  Does NetBSD telnet have support
for kerberos (I don't think so).

> Also, you mention one of the machines you are trying "is (are)" sun
> 4's. I gather the name is load-balanced? All the Stanford scripts,
> which automate the kftgt work, resolve the name to a host, and
> THEN talk to it; you might need to just try one of the specific
> machines.

Yes, and I've tried both.  On some machines I can get kerberos (the eBones
distribution at to work with FTP (ie I get
"Kerberos login successful") then when I try to list or anything I get:

Please login with USER and PASS.

I'd be very interested in your changes.  As would be the people who wrote
this disribution.


|Chris Mason - |
|"You can always count on a murderer for a fancy prose style."-Nabokov|