Subject: Re: Q650
To: xiamin" , "port-mac68k <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Bob Nestor <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/20/1996 10:11:01
>ive noticed in the current machine status doc by Colin Wood that the Q650
>and C650 are referd to as having a 040/25. i dont know about anyone else,
>but my Q650 is a 040/33.

According to Apple the Q650 uses a 68040/66 and the C650 uses a 68040/50, 
at least that's what they posted in their Apple Spec Data Base on their 
Web page back in May. No Centris or Quadra is listed that runs at either 
25 or 33 Mhz. They're all either 40, 50, 66 or 80Mhz.
