Subject: xconsole when not root
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Steven Campbell <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/18/1996 21:33:31
Hi. On my own machine, i'm set up as a user, and I am a member of group
wheel. When i'm root, and I launch X, by default it comes up with some
XTerms, and TWM's Icon Manager, and the console. The trouble is that when
I use the same .xinitrc file for my own personal username, I get a message
in the Console window that the Console cannot be opened. Now, I know it's
a permissions problem, because I can su, type xconsole, and then exit
out, and the console does work normally. And I've tried setting xconsole
SUID to root, but the same error persists. I've also tried changing the
permissions of /dev/console, with no luck. I would like to be able to
leave the root account open and unused and just su to root when I have to,
like most UNIX admins do, but I can't see the console if I start X if I
login as someone else.
Any suggestions out there in MacBSD land?