Subject: hardcoding swap in kernel
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Steven Campbell <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/16/1996 23:19:48
Hi, in a kernel I built recently, I hardcoded ( a la Wormhole kernels ) the
swap and root filesystems on my machine.  The difference is that the swap
filesystem in my new kernel is on a separate disk from the root filesystem.
My root is on sd1, and swap is on sd2, and the dump is also on sd2b.
In a post on Oct. 6, Colin Wood wrote that:

> 1) I thought that GENERIC kernels had been modified to accept swap on
> differing drives from whatever one your root partition is on, but you
> might need the proper line in /etc/fstab

> 2) You can hard code in your disk configuration with a line like:
> options config  root on /dev/sd1a swap on /dev/sd2b dumps on /dev/sd2b

> or something a little similar to that.  There should be examples in some
> of the config files in the mac68k source distribution.

My system does swap properly on sd2 ( I know because I had some heavy
programs like Emacs, X, ftpd, telnetd, and all of the nfs daemons running
to push the machine a little bit, and it does seem to swap okay.

I'm writing this to say that no, it appears, from my situation anyways,
that the swap filesystem does NOT have to be on the same physical disk as
your root filesystem.  it is suggested, of course, but not necessary.