Subject: Re: Color X question
To: M.R. Zucca <>
From: David Bushong <dbushong@volga.EECS.Berkeley.EDU>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/14/1996 16:16:08
> >I'm running the experimental color-X kit on (what I now know to be =) a
> >16MHz 030..... and its really not *that* bad..  (just don't solid drag whole
> >windows, for goodness sake)
> Just don't drag a window at all :) The redraw on windows is terrible. See if
> you can run Nedit while you do what you're describing and type something
> without losing your mind.
Why run nedit at all? (almost) Anything you can do in it you can do many 
times faster w/ jove, vi, even emacs..  And emacs is the main reason I 
like color.  Using font-lock instead of hilit19, the performance isn't 
bad, and syntax colorized code is such a delight.  (This is someone who 
is used to running emacs over 14.4 modem, what with line deletes taking 3 
seconds)  What it boils down to is, I'm much happier having slow color 
than zippy B&W as color makes 640x480 go a lot farther...

> >Great idea!  About color-ls, though...
> >...color lssing is 2-3 times slower than without.. (without being ls 
> >-F)  *However*, gnu ls...

> I can't see how this can slow things down much...

I'm going to check my figures on this.. For some reason, when I fired up 
a color ls today, nothing happened (no colors) hurmm...

Hmm, color sig, anyone?

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     _/   _/ _/   _/ _/   _/  David P. Bushong -- (510) 845-3271         _/
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