Subject: Re: Color X question
To: M.R. Zucca <>
From: David Bushong <dbushong@cory.EECS.Berkeley.EDU>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/13/1996 15:47:50
> I ran X in black and white on a Sun 3/80 and that was acceptable performance.
> Color was slow. Even on my friend's 486/40 Linux box, color X runs only
> bearably. I would imagine that color internal and NuBus video will only be
> a boon to people with 68040's.
I'm running the experimental color-X kit on (what I now know to be =) a
16MHz 030... I run fvwm2, and have had two compiles running, a povray
render going, a digital clock and an xload in the corner going at the same
time.. and its really not *that* bad.. (just don't solid drag whole
windows, for goodness sake)
> However, after I finish the video driver I'd like to work on a color version
> of dt. This is sort of window dressing but it'll be nice to set the background
> and foreground colors. We can also get colored directories a la linux if a
> few other tools are updated.
Great idea! About color-ls, though: I compiled and patched gnu ls to do
color and can say from experience: even on a small dir, color lssing is
2-3 times slower than without.. (without being ls -F) *However*, gnu ls
*without* color runs, on large dirs, 2-3 times *faster* than the default
netbsd binary distribution.. go figure! (And, according to 'time', it
uses about 1/10 the system resources)
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_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ David P. Bushong -- (510) 845-3271 _/
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