Subject: Re: Re:Centris & 610
To: John D. Smerdon <>
From: Stephen C. Brown <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/05/1996 13:38:51
Thanks John,
I was having the same problem with kernels from the latest sources.
But, I was afraid it was something wrong I had done in trying to
modify and apply the adbtest.132 patches to the 1.2 source. Commenting
out the extdms_init() and recompiling gave me a kernel that will at least
boot all the way to single-user miniroot on my Q610.
Steve Brown
>Try commenting out the call to:
> extdms_init();
>in adbsys.c. That fixed my C650/Extended keyboard/mouse with earlier
>ADBTEST kernels.
>At 05:45 PM 10/03/96, Steve Minten wrote:
>>>Please let me know if I'm wrong here, but do you have a
>>>Logitech (or other vendor) 3 button mouse on your
>>>Centris 650?
>>I have the single, standard apple mouse. No tri-clicker here.
>>Any other ideas people? Im stuck.
>John D. Smerdon; Livonia, Michigan, USA; Contents are my opinion.