Subject: Re: TCP/IP Network Setup
To: Johan Claesson <>
From: None <jbyler@MIT.EDU>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/04/1996 11:43:22
> Question: Is there some fellow out there who is willing to guide me
> through the setup process step-by-step. Like how to set the server
> IP-address, name, domain, etc.
> Best Regards
> /Johan Claesson
I'm not exactly and expert on the subject, but I just recently set up
TCP/IP on my IIci with some help from people on the list and by
examining /etc/netstart. Essentially it boils down to these files:
[note- this file doesn't seem to be crucial, and I've seen variants in
which just myhostname is in there...]
<insert gateway or router here>
[This can be the hostname of the router, as long as the hostname is in
your /etc/hosts file, I think. But I just have the IP address in
/etc/defaultdomain (or whatever)
[This should probably be whatever part of your complete hostname comes
after the first dot. It is used for trying to complete partial
hostnames. i.e. I can type "telnet athena.dialup" and I get connected
to ""]
inet <insert your IP address or hostname here>
dest <insert your router or gateway here>
Again, I think you can use hostnames, if they're in /etc/hosts, but I
just have the IP addresses. Also- the .ae0 part of the filename
refers to the device file used to access the ethernet card which is
hooked up to the rest of the 'net. If your ethernet card is for some
reason on a different file, use a different hosname.??? file. i.e. my
ethernet card is on /dev/ae0.
domain (or whatever; probably same as in /etc/defaultdomain)
nameserver <nameserver IP address>
nameserver <> ...
If you're going run your own nameserver, put in for the
first nameserver IP address. You can then put in as many backup
servers as you want; the system will go down the list until it finds
one that works.
OK. That should get your IIcx up on the 'net by itself. I'm assuming
here that you have 2 ethernet cards in the IIcx- one to go to the 'net
and one hooked up to your Performa. If you're planning to use PPP or
something from the IIcx it's a bit more complicated.
The next step is to set up the routing tables and the config files for
the _other_ ethernet card (the one that's hooked up to the IIcx).
Now, it just occurred to me that if you have already gotten your IIcx
and your Performa hooked together on ethernet, you probably didn't
need the basic information I just gave... Oh well. I'll send it
anyway, just in case. Maybe someone else will find it useful.
[here's the cue for the rest of the list [people who actually know
what they're doing :-)] to jump in and pick up the plot with routing
tables, etc.. <g> ]
Good luck!