Subject: Re: Serial Echo
To: None <,>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/02/1996 10:23:34
> > think it gets that far either) so, I'm completely clueless. I have never
> > managed to use the functions serial echo or serial console, how do I do
> > that?
> Serial echo doesn't work, I don't think, unless it's been put back
> recently. Serial console... should not be necessary on a mac II, but
I thought I fixed them back before the 1.2 freeze! AFAIK, serila echo,
and serial console on both ports works! There was a problem that serial
console on the printer port didn't work as I was mis-interpreting
booter instructions. We fixed it.
We've also fixed (and I think it went into 1.2) the bug Scott was
seeing with demand-dial not working on the third re-dial. It seems
a status change came while we were processing another interrupt, and
we missed it. As I said, it's fixed.
The only outstanding "bug" is that on serial console, if you send a break,
the kernel drops into the debugger. This behavior is inherited from
the M.I. z8530 driver, as things like suns (and a few macs) don't have
physical debugger switches (my IIsi only has the keyboard-based one).
Scott has changed things so that the break behavior is now controlled
by a kernel option. When I get to re-do the serial drivers again
(hopefully getting ours and the M.I. ones merged), I want to make this
behavior run-time modifiable, probably with sysctl. But that's a few
months off.
If anyone is seeing bugs other than the break behavior on serial console,
Take care,