Subject: dt 1.1.4 on a Classic II
To: None <>
From: Steve Bowers <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/01/1996 03:38:26
I'm trying to use dt on a Classic II under the new ADBTEST#160 kernel but am
suffering from a loss of lines from the top of the display. I'm seeing 30 lines
of texton the display but the shell and any programs run from it think that
there are 34 lines. The first four of these lines aren't being displayed but are
being 'lost' at the top of the screen - they aren't scrolling off, they just
aren't displayed. At the bottom of the screen there is a blank gap of 4 lines
which is not used. Also, with the mouse pointer switched on, the pointer
dissapears when it goes down into this 4 line gap even though it should still
be physically on the screen.
Is there likely to be an easy fix for this? If so , if someone tells me what to
do I'll try it out - I've got the source. I'm also having the same problem with
a fairly old 1.0 release of dt (I think its the one under cray-ymp on puma).
Thinkgs work correctl y on the onsole without dt running so I assume the problem
arises in dt and not the kernel code.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.