Subject: Technical docs for 53c96
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Steven Campbell <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/29/1996 08:47:55
If anyone who is working on SCSI support for the Quadra/Centris class
machines needs technical docs on the 53c96 controller, I have FTPed AMD's
Technical docs on their version of the 53c96.  It says that it is
completely compatible with NCR's 53c96, which is found on the logic boards
of the Quadra/Centris machines.
It has 63 pages of documentation on the registers and programming models
for the 53c96.

It's available at:

Because I don't know the status of the work on the SCSI for the '040
machines, and everybody can always use a little more documentation, I
figured that my contribution wouldn't hurt.
If there is another site where you think this documentation belongs, please
email me.