Subject: the plot thickens Re: can't boot MacBSD1.1 on Mac IIci
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: David G. Wonnacott <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/23/1996 16:28:40
I got the latest installer from
It gives the same error.  I'm assuming that the .gz files aren't the
cause of the trap during installation.

However, I did start over, re-formatting the disk.  And I noticed an
error during mkfs.  This occurs before I even hit "format" (as far as
I recall).  Right after doing the probe for SCSI ID's, it says (I
wrote this down to get it right):

  modesence page 4(0)
  Error on SCSIRead(), # 5
  Probably just a phase error, ignore the error -- this time

It says "ignore the error -- this time", but since it seems to always
happen, I thought I should mention it.  Does this mean the disk is
bad?  I tried moving around the partitions, and still have the
problem.  The disk formats fine, and the "test" succeeds (using the
Apple HD SC setup program from the disk tools disk), but I think the
format left some sectors unused at the end of the disk (I left them
unused when I repartitioned, just in case).

One other thing - I'm using a "Disk Tools" disk that came with a
Quadra 610, not a IIci.  Could this be messing up the format?

I'm still using the mkfs utility I got last spring.  I don't see a new
one on - did I miss it somehow?

Thanks again,
		Dave W