Subject: Setting up P630
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Nathan P Shaw <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/20/1996 09:58:48
I have a Performa 636CD ( 68LC040, 12MB RAM, no FPU, internal IDE, external
300 MB Seagate (SCSI) ) sitting at home which I would very much like
to run under a real UN*X. I've been following the discussion of the
630 series for a while now and I have a couple of questions.

1. Jason Godfrey mentioned back in August that ADB on the Q630 now
works,  however, ADBTEST #139 (running from MacOS image) disabled ADB
after calling ADBReInit and recognizing the Cuda hardware. (I can post
the debugger information if someone can make use of it. The final
message after failing to mount root is
	Stopped at _Debugger+0x6: unlk a6
and, since I'm not in serial, it hangs.)  Is there still a test kernel
for the 630's floating around somewhere?  I've run Bob Nestor's
NetBSD_ROM  and can post its output but I won't unless it would be useful.

2.  What is the latest on the ncrscsi96 driver? (I haven't seen any
mention of an IDE driver being developed but that would work for me as well.)

I'm in the process of setting up a cross-compiler on an Alpha (Digital
Unix V3.2D-2) so hopefully I can start lending a hand in some of this
work.  I'm also willing to test kernels for the 630's if there is any
need for that.


| Nathan P. Shaw      	   | |
| phone: (516)632-8183 (w) |	      |