Subject: Re:Q605
To: Bob Nestor <>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/25/1996 12:03:38
>> To come to the point I wanted to know if there is anyone out there
>>who has succesfuly ported mac-BSD to the Q605 and if there is can they give
>>me step by step instructions on installing it thanks.
>The Q605 is on the "Partially working, serial console only" list. The
>ROMs have not been fully mapped out which might explain why the ADB
>doesn't work. That may be the only thing keeping the system from
>running. If you'd like to try a few things I might be able to help get a
>Kernel up and running. First, we'll need to map the ROMs. I have a
>little program that does that and picks up all the info we need for
>NetBSD. You can find it at:
>Run it under MacOS and it will present you with the information I need.
>If you send that back to me I'll build a Kernel with the 1.2Beta sources
>and let you know when/where you can pick up it. Then we can see what
>other problems we need to tackle. This approach has been fairly
>sucessful with the Q660AV, MacTV, LC520, and Q630. I'd like to see what
>we can do with the Q605.
>Oh, I haven't checked the Mac Data Base yet, but I assume the Q605 uses
>an internal SCSI disk rather than an IDE. We still don't have a working
>IDE driver and that's the only thing keeping the Q630 from being fully
Here are the results Bob. I really appreciate this and I am willing to
coperate in any way. By the way I installed the hard drive in this Q605 and
it is SCSI. I did however upgrade this from an LCII but that should not
make any diffrence. These are some other specs you might be intrested in.
HD. Quantum 850 (SCSI)
Ram 20 MB
ROM info:
The Mac ROM values needed by NetBSD/mac68k for this Mac are:
* Vectors sniffed out for MacQuadra605
* Zero values are not required by NetBSD for this system, but values shown as
* "Not_Found" must be provided before NetBSD can hope to run on this system.
{ /* ?? */
"MacQuadra605 ROMs",
(caddr_t) 0x408a9b56, /* ADB interrupt */
(caddr_t) 0x0, /* PB ADB interrupt */
(caddr_t) 0x408b2f94, /* ADBBase + 130 interupt; whatzit? */
(caddr_t) 0x4080a360, /* CountADBs */
(caddr_t) 0x4080a37a, /* GetIndADB */
(caddr_t) 0x4080a3a6, /* GetADBInfo */
(caddr_t) 0x4080a3ac, /* SetADBInfo */
(caddr_t) 0x4080a752, /* ADBReInit */
(caddr_t) 0x4080a3dc, /* ADBOp */
(caddr_t) 0x0, /* PMgrOp */
(caddr_t) 0x4080c05c, /* WriteParam */
(caddr_t) 0x4080c086, /* SetDateTime */
(caddr_t) 0x4080c5cc, /* InitUtil */
(caddr_t) 0x4080b186, /* ReadXPRam */
(caddr_t) 0x4080b190, /* WriteXPRam */
(caddr_t) 0x408b3bf8, /* jClkNoMem */
(caddr_t) 0x4080a818, /* ADBAlternateInit */
(caddr_t) 0x408a99c0, /* Egret */
(caddr_t) 0x408147c4, /* InitEgret */
(caddr_t) 0x408a82c0, /* ADBReInit_JTBL */
(caddr_t) 0x4087eb90, /* ROMResourceMap List Head */
(caddr_t) 0x4081c406, /* FixDiv */
(caddr_t) 0x4081c312, /* FixMul */
anything else you need let me know thanks.