Subject: Re: xlock
To: John Ostrowick <>
From: Stephen C. Brown <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/22/1996 20:48:41
>i came into my office this morning and was alarmed to find the old se/30
>screen black - i presumed it'd blown but remembered that someone had
>mentioned a built-in x screen saver which blanks the screen. So i need to
>1. how to set the delay longer so it doesn't activate so soon - it seems to
>kick in every 3 - 5 minutes
>2. how to add password protection
>3. is there a don't sleep corner like afterdark?
I use "xautolock" and "xlock" to accomplish the locking.  "xautolock"
takes command line options specifying how long of a period of inactivity
before locking the screen and what program to use for the locking.

"xautolock" has a "-corners" option that will allow you to configure specific
actions for the four corners.  I haven't played with it, but it looks like it
will do exactly what you want.

Steve Brown
>John Ostrowick
>Computer Science Department, University of the Witwatersrand
>1 Jan Smuts Ave, Johannesburg, South Africa. 1st Floor, Senate House 1012
>Phone: +27 (011) 716-3783
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