Subject: Re: netscape?
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Daniel Bell <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/21/1996 13:56:59
On Wed, 21 Aug 1996, Scott Reynolds wrote:
> On Wed, 21 Aug 1996, John Ostrowick wrote:
> > is there a version of netscape i can install? or mosaic even?
> There is no m68k-based version of Netscape Navigator that I'm aware of,
> and I'm not hopeful that will change. I have heard of a version of Mosaic
> compiled for the Amiga port, which should work just fine. Hopefully
> others can point to a specific location. :-)
> --scott
Mosaic 2.6.2 is available at this url, compiled for MacBSD:
It's fairly slow, but it seems pretty reliable. Obviously, it requires
that X be installed. I wouldn't think that Netscape would ever support
our port. They've only recently started to support Linux, BSDi and
Solaris x86, so I would think that an OS like ours would be at the very
bottom of their priority list, if it made the list at all. Good luck with
mosaic, though.
Daniel Bell