Subject: Re: serial ports
To: The Great Mr. Kurtz [David A. Gatwood] <>
From: Brian R. Gaeke <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/21/1996 05:59:10
And then spake The Great Mr. Kurtz [David A. Gatwood] as follows:
> > I don't know why the mkLinux folks did [serial ports] backwards. Grr.
> Simply to make Linux look a little less like Unix, maybe?  Linux was from
> Net/2, originally, right?  The free release with all the copyright
> questions?  As opposed to Lite.

Linux is not 'from Net/2', and has never been subject to the questionable
copyright status of that release.


Brian R. Gaeke <> - Ask me for my PGP public key!
"If I were a blue spider, I would certainly ride on a train all the way from
Avallon to Paris, and I would set up my house on the nose of a chocolate
penguin. It's just a matter of common sense." James Wright, "Against Surrealism"