Subject: Re: Proverbial Questions
To: Eldee Stephens III <>
From: Stefan Schmiedl <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/15/1996 00:15:54
>such a package. It could even have a live filesystem in the CD itself
>so that one could boot NetBSD off of the CD! I would only charge the
>amount that it would cost to produce the CDs and the shipping. It
This sounds like a *very* good idea to me.
InfoMagic already has a two-CD 'BSDisc'-volume out, but only one CD is
devoted to NetBSD, and there is only standard stuff on it.
I would be very interested to see, what all those clever people out
there have managed to compile on their Macs running NetBSD.
The only packages running on mine that deserve mentioning are
Perl 5.001 and a TeX-distribution both of which compile right out
of the box.
I also remember a document somewhere around called "Ported Software",
in which various packages were mentioned including the "porters".
Stefan Schmiedl
phone: +94 21 92 39 16
snailmail: Ittlinger Stra=DFe 27c, D-94315 Straubing, Germany
"In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit ..."