Subject: Re: serial flow ctl and SCSI (was Re: Correct modem signalling for SE/30?
To: None <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/13/1996 09:53:18
> In Regards to your letter <Pine.NEB.3.95.960812090958.153A-100000@localhost>:
> > I'm running uucp, which hiccups once in a while from what I think is
> > probably modem overruns. Does anyone have any idea how the modem
> > signalling works? I keep hearing rumblings about DTR/CTS not being
> > correctly implemented.
> I am also tring to figure this out. I am running the GENERIC 1.1
> kernel. I have heard on this list that this kernel had serial and
> SCSI problems.
Don't run the 1.1-distribution kernels if you want good serial performance.
A number of necessary bug fixes didn't make it into 1.1, and there was
a huge bug fix in mid-January (we fixed the interrupt priorities) which
made the serial ports much more stable.
Take care,