Subject: Re: Proverbial Questions
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: M.R. Zucca <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/12/1996 20:51:09
>> 4. Does anyone have a kernal that operates on 68040 systems?
>There is a kernel for the PB550c that apparently works, but I've yet to
>see the specific 040 changes. I hope that they can be integrated in the
>not-too-distant future.
Another person also got the Quad 630 working if I remember correctly.
>I can't comment on this, at least not officially. It stands to reason
>that a PCI-based PowerMac port won't be incredibly hard, given the MkLinux
For those who are interested, I had a talk with a fellow at MacWorld Expo who
was demoing MkLinux. He said the PCI powermacs would be up around December.
>> I am desperate to get a BSD environment up and working on my PowerBook
>> 165c.
>I'm not sure, but I seem to remember that at least one or two folks had
>these running with a serial console. Are they a working target of M.R.
>Zucca's intvid kernels...? ADB probably doesn't work, though.
Yep, the 165c works. The next test release should be my last if it works.
Then it's cleanup and enter time.
>In short, I'm sure that NetBSD is much closer to working on various
>PowerBook models, but it's not (quite) there yet.
Oh, ADB!
Michael Zucca - -
"I will choose a path that's clear. I will choose Freewill. "
--Rush, Freewill