Subject: Re: miniroot
To: Wada Tatsuaki <>
From: John D. Smerdon <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/01/1996 18:31:50
At 10:50 PM 07/31/96, Wada Tatsuaki wrote:
>Booter 1.9.3beta1's log said,
> Loading 5242880 byte miniroot...Miniroot of 5242880 bytes is
> too large to load in this booter.
> Current maximum size is 1048576 bytes.
> Error.
You need to either increase the limit and recompile the Booter or patch the
CODE resource with ResEdit. I raised the limit to 5MB in Booter 1.9 using
ResEdit without any problems.
Since the booter allocates memory based on the size of the miniroot, and
NetBSD creates 5MB miniroot files, the booter should be adjusted to accept
miniroots up to 5MB (or more).
>ResEqual 'Booter 1.9' 'Booter 1.9 5MB'
>File #1: Booter 1.9
>File #2: Booter 1.9 5MB
>Resource files have different Finder flags
>Flags 1 = hasBeenInited hasBundle
>Flags 2 = hasBeenInited hasBundle
>Resources have different contents
>Resource Type = "CODE" ID = 2
>Contents of resource in file 1 at offset 9763
>10 00 00 FF FA 63 2E 3F 2E FF FE 4E AD 01 02 54 .....c.?...N...T
>Contents of resource in file 2 at offset 9763
>50 00 00 FF FA 63 2E 3F 2E FF FE 4E AD 01 02 54 P....c.?...N...T
^^ 1MB to 5MB
John D. Smerdon; Livonia, Michigan, USA; Contents are my opinion.