Subject: X11 Color kit and SE/30
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Steven Sartorius <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/30/1996 23:29:45
About a month or so ago I remember a thread about the color kit for X11
but, of course, I paid no attention at the time. This weekend I tried
installing the color kit on my SE/30 (equipped with a Micron XCEED video
card in the PDS) with no success. When I ftp'ed to puma I first
downloaded the kernal and the X server with the most current dates (both
early May if I recall -- sorry if I'm a little fuzzy on the dates but I
don't have all this stuff in front of me now). I installed these
according to the README and booted back into NetBSD where I hung about
2/3 of the way through. The kernal died on the line "nubus0()". At a
loss, I went back to puma and grabbed the the kernal and X server with
the earlier dates. I installed these and successfully booted. When I
fired up the X server though, no color; both the internal screen
(obviously) and the attached Apple Color Display remained in 1-bit mode.
The only thing I can think of offhand is that when I first installed
NetBSD 1.1 and built the devices I didn't have the external screen
hooked up to the video card; I've noticed that grf0 (the Apple Color
Display) is identified as a "monochrome" device during the boot messages.
Can I delete grf0 and rebuild it as a color device? Or am I off base?
Any help on this would be much appreciated.